Sunday, June 9, 2013

Butterfly Lessons

I watched a documentary about Monarch butterflies when I randomly turned on the TV this week. It said that the butterflies use the sun to guide them to where they’ve never been before and they go from Canada to Mexico. Scientists said they could not identify any other way the butterflies know where to migrate other than this since they only live 30 days and the migration lasts for the life span of three to four generations. 

There was such a profound lesson in that for me.  It’s amazing and beautiful that they can be so attuned to light to guide them.  We, too, can get direction in our lives by looking to the light and going to our Father in Heaven.  We may feel prompted to take a certain direction along our path and be left in the intellectual dark as to why. But if we follow the light, it will never lead us astray. The butterflies inherit this ability to follow the sun. As children of God, we inherit the ability to recognize and follow the light.