Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Can I Get A Witness?

I was subpoenaed to testify before a judge yesterday.  I never thought I'd have to do that.  I was SO NERVOUS about it.  Since it was a 90 minute drive, I had a lot of time to think about it and try to calm myself.  The only reassuring thought was, "At least I'm not on trial."

Before walking in the building

As soon as I got there, the first question I was asked was, "Are you the judge?"  After taking that as a compliment on my attire, I told them I was just the dietitian.

They led me into a room, but before I got into that room, I saw that the person I was testifying against was in fact present.  My anxiety escalated dramatically at that moment.

I had a lot of time to wait.  I sat in a waiting room for an hour and forty-five minutes before they called me in to testify.  I freaked out about how this day could affect my client's life.  I came to a realization that really helped calm me down: I was hear to testify for a client; I wasn't there to testify against anyone.

My time finally came to testify, and I felt calm and nervous at the same time.  I was able to answer questions without feeling intimidated.  When I was done, the lawyer walked me out and told me that my client will appreciate me testifying for her.  He thanked me for being candid and told me I was very professional.  I thanked him and then booked it out of there as soon as I could.

I'm done!

I drove to a nearby temple to feel peace again before making the journey home.  It was a gorgeous day and perfect for a nice stroll.

On the drive home, this gospel song kept popping up in my head.  Click to listen to "Testify" I listened to songs and belted them at the top of my lungs the whole drive home. Very therapeutic.

I'm still nervous about the outcome.  It was what I thought about before I went to bed and as soon as I woke up.  But I will try to keep my mind off of it.

Through this experience, I learned some things and came to some conclusions.

1. When put under oath, you don't swear on the Bible anymore and it doesn't end in "so help you God."  That was disheartening.
2. I can be intimidated by people who are in the wrong.
3. I don't like people attacking my credibility as a witness.
4. I don't like feeling hatred emanate from someone's presence.
5. I can defend my credibility.
6. I like defending truth.
7. Defending truth can lead to extreme and unrealistic fears that your life will be threatened or taken.
8. I like wearing a suit.
9. Being called an expert is empowering and fun.
10. Everything spoken would be more powerful with a gospel choir in the background!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Nonessential Gratitude

"So much has been given to me; I have no time to ponder over that which has been denied." Helen Keller

There are so many things I am grateful for.  But this is a list of the top ten external things that make me happy that are absolutely nonessential for life.  I noticed that many of these are related to nature, and all of them have to do with relaxation for me.

Catnaps. There’s no way to describe the warmth of the sun touching skin and hair.  That warmth becomes part of you and sends you into sweet repose.

Good smells.  Rain, lilies, really good perfume or cologne, new car, almond extract, chocolate chip cookies in the oven, Bounce sheets.

Ballroom dancing. The act of or just watching it.  It’s so graceful and elegant.  My favorite form of physical activity.

Music.  So many kinds I don't want to list them.  Truly a universal language.

Blankets. Warm and snuggly.
Lightning storms.  Breathtaking, heavenly, exciting, peaceful, mesmerizing.

The beach. The sound of the ocean, the sun, the breeze, seashells, looking for dolphins on the horizon, sunsets, seashells.  So many happy things!

Mountaintops.  Breathtaking views, heavenly smells.

Starry night skies. Not only beautiful but also a reminder of how God’s creations are infinite.

Snowfall.  Watching it inside at night with the house lights off. So cozy!